

Welcome from the Professor of Garbology! This is my blog associated with the Browns Bay Library's "Unbelieveable" theme for the October school holidays. Below are some of the weird and wonderful objects from my collection of items found on beaches, in the trash and at junk stores, as well as on my youthful travels around the globe. On display in this picture are some Moa "relics" - two large bones and an enormous egg.


This showcase is an attempt to arouse interests in the natural world, history, and science in children: so that they will develop enquiring minds; establish engagement in fields other than social media; enjoy reading and studying; and get out and about in the real world to discover the all manner of fascinating and even unbelievable creatures and objects that are out there waiting to be encountered. The world needs more people asking intelligent questions - as well as young scientists, naturalists, explorers, readers, students, and good old-fashioned collectors and hobbyists. Below: Selections from my Cabinet of Curiousities: “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” - Albert Einstein    “Computers are stupid - they only give you answers.” - Picasso   List of Exhibits:  37- West African Nail Fetish 36- Pigeon Chick Preserved in Meths 35- Indian Arrowheads 34- Rock-borer Shell with Sandstone 33- Volcanic Vent with Crystals 32- Cowrie Shell Necklace 31- Ja

#37-West African Nail Fetish

As used by traditional West African healers (aka witchdoctors). The nails represent spells which have been cast. Below: The "Wide World" magazines from the 1950's and '60's had some gripping reads: Nail fetishes were protective figures used by individuals, families, or whole communities to destroy or weaken evil spirits, prevent or cure illnesses, repel bad deeds, solemnize contracts or oath-taking, and decide arguments. A diviner or holy person would activate the statue, using magical substances.  Some were used to identify and hunt down unknown wrongdoers such as thieves, and people who were believed to cause sickness or death by occult means. They were also used to punish people who swore false oaths and villages which broke treaties. To inspire the fetish to action, it was both invoked and provoked. Invocations, in bloodthirsty language, encouraged it to punish the guilty party. It would also be provoked by having gunpowder exploded in front of it, and havin

#36-Pigeon Chick in Meths

I found this dead baby pigeon in Phoenix Plaza, Browns Bay, after a storm. It had been blown out of a nest up in a large palm tree.

#35-Indian Arrowheads - Arizona

Three arrowheads knapped (chipped) from stone, obsidian and clear crystal Read more on native American Indian weapons:

#34-Rock-borer Shell with Sandstone

Rock-borer shells feed on nutrient-rich sandstone in the Hauraki Gulf. Found on Browns Bay beach.

#33-Volcanic Vent

Pieces of hardened magma from an Auckland volcano with interior crystals and lump of lava attached. Found on the railway line at Dairy Flat, north of Auckland.